Creating a Surf and Travel guide

Creating a Surf and Travel guide

‘Creating a surf & travel guide… whose idea was that!’ All of us, at some point, have exclaimed this, in more ways than one; usually accompanied by frown and hand on head, not necessarily directed at anyone in particular.


The idea was easy, made sense even, after our numerous travels and encounters. Getting the team members on board wasn’t too hard either; we’re all surfing wanderers, or wandering surfers with talents on the side. Throughout the process of creating this guide, everyone’s been playing a key role that we couldn’t do without; we’re learning a lot more than we’re trained for, crossing some bridges when needed, and occasionally getting in each other’s hair, which seems to be part and parcel of it.

The fun part was the travelling; discovering the places, the people, the wonderful things to see and do and eat and the best beds to sleep in. The hard work and serious effort began when, in order to breathe this baby to life, we started organising the crowdfund campaign, which, thanks to all you trusting and enthusiastic backers, worked out swell!


Then began the logistics: choosing between forms, figures and hundreds of photos, writing and rewriting, working out what fits where, cutting a bit here and adding a bit there.

And now we have all these wonderful co-operations and beloved partners, which involves talking and debating and interviewing and emailing back and forth, generating and agreeing additional ideas.

Meanwhile, we’re still discovering even more new places, getting lots of crazy wonderful tips, and inevitably, delaying meeting friends or going out (Sorry, friends and family! We’ll make it up to you!).

But in the end, what really keeps us going, is our team’s dedication and passion and positive feedback from our participating partners. We all know it’s going to be a wonderful piece of work, and together, we’re working hard at putting in the final pieces of the puzzle.
So, from our hidden locations, tip-tapping away behind our laptops, as we wipe our faces clean from sweat and tears (no blood, yet…), we’d like to thank you, again, for your support, your trust and patience, and for looking forward to seeing the finished result as much as we are.

work and results

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